Friday, September 21, 2007

U.S. Produces Record Amount of Flu Vaccines

It is fall again and many of us will be suffering from the contagious flu virus (Influenza). The headaches, fever, and the muscle fatigue will be amounted to this infectious illness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Influenza, without being treated on time, leads to fatal results every year accounting for 36,000 lives in the U.S. The solution is to obtain the immunization given to the public every year to minimize the outcome of this infectious disease.

For the past few years the limited production of the vaccination has resulted in many people passing on the opportunity of getting their shots in order for the elderly and children under 5 to have enough vaccination. The fact is that all, from children to people who are above the age of 50, and to those who can handle the vaccination should be getting the shot to prevent the horrific consequence of Influenza.

Amazingly this year the U.S. has produced 130 million doses of the influenza vaccination in which 20 million of it has been distributed across the nation. What is left for the public to do is, finding the nearest location to obtain the vaccination. This surely will save the time you will be spending at home tending to your feverish children or having to miss that exam you have been studying for.

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